Friday, January 29, 2010


I love Q & A's. i am always the first one to reply to those forwarded e-mails that ask all types of random questions, and i have always been the go to w/ all my friends for advice. so now's my chance to be DEAR ABBY. anything you want to know about me (ex. what nationality i am?) or you need advice (ex. what should i do about such and such or so and so?) on or even random questions you just want a silly answer to (ex. if you could be any animal what animal would you be?) ANYTHING and when i say ANYTHING i mean ANYTHING.........i am not easily embarrassed or shy at all and i will always give you a frank honest answer so ASK AWAY!
Also look for me to post random polls and quizzes for you to answer too.

guess its time to link this bad boy.........

i have hesitated to link this blog to anything else as of yet but i guess its time to let it loose. even though it is still inthe beginning stages of set up as i am still learning, i will not be so vain as to wait until it is perfection and i will link it up so everyone can get to know me.

things i just love!

My sweet hubby

My Sons
girdles and corsets (as i can look very sexy and hide my tummy at the same time :)
watching old little rascals (our Gang) episodes with my sons

vintage travel posters

Lana Turner

Betty Grables shorts

Practicing swing dancing with my hubby (we are getting there-we will be out on the floor very soon)

My Rimmel of London Lippy in Temptation

pics to come.........

i am currently working on a pin up calendar will be a gift for my hubby on our anniversary *sigh* so when its done i will post the pics!

ok so im still working to get this blogging thing right.........

im such a spazz when it comes to technical things like computers so im working on it. it will be a slow but steady process but when i get it it will end up being a swell blog. thanks for being patient with me ;) kisses

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

its so freezing here today well as freezing as it can get in california :) which means anything under 60 degrees. but it is pouring as well w/ flood watches and mudslides there was even a tornado watch yesterday. plans for this weekend will probably be home watching movies and relaxing. been feeling under the weather to so wil just get some rest.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hi all!

so this is my blog im pretty new to this but in a nutshell im a big fan of the golden era so this blog will be devoted to my life as a retro doll living in the modern world. keep checking back for updates! and please be patient with me as i get this blog filled w/ photos events etc. KISSES ;)